The Arjay Conception

my thoughts keep coming

Gays and Adoption

Posted by RJ on November 12, 2008

The traditional family is dad, mom, 2.5 kids and a dog or cat. Traditional is defined by the patriarchy and accepted by the greater society. Anything contrary to patriarchal views is rejected because it threatens the safety that White men have created and thrived in.

Gays can’t adopt because they obviously don’t meet the definition of a traditional family. This would mean that we would have to re-define family and accept that it is okay to have two moms or two dads, only. We cannot do this under our current system because Men’s Rights/Father’s Rights Acitivists and religious doctrine keep telling us how important it is to have a father–a biological father at that (step dads aren’t good enough).

So if we have a lesbian couple, they are assumed to be incapable of raising a child successfully because there is no “father” in the picture. And you know how important fathers are!!!

The Magical Father.



If we were to establish that anyone could adopt, gays, non-married/single persons, etc, we would have to admit that “fathers” are not a requirement or prerequisite for a healthy family.

“Fathers” wouldn’t matter.

Divorced moms’ children need a father? Not really. Black and Hispanic boys need a father? Not really. What do they need? Unconditional love and support.

So, I say to the gay communities,

Keep on keeping on.

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